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For every person who considers India as Janmabhoomi, Karmabhoomi and Punya Muni, every action of this country is a holy worship and a point of faith. In this the place of Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi is important. These three cities are the cities of temples.

  Ayodhya has a special place in our religion and culture. Here also the place of Ram Janmabhoomi has been very important. It has been called the city of heaven and it is also called Saket Dham. In the famous Rudra Yamal Samhita, Lord Shri Shankar ji told Shri Parvati ji that Shri Kaushalya's palace is the birthplace of Shri Ramji.

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The vision of this birthplace leads to the manifestation of all the four substances namely Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. The virtuous fruit that is obtained by donating thousand Kapila cows daily is the same result obtained by visiting Shri Ram Janmabhoomi. The sins of thousands of births are destroyed by the mere sight of the land of birth.

अवधपुरी सम प्रिय नहीं सोउ यह प्रसंग जानई कोउ, कोउ
जन्मभूमि मम पुरी सुहावनि उत्तरदिश वह सूरज पावनी

  Manas Bhavan was acquired in the year 1993. Due to the efforts of Shri Laxmikant Jhunjhunwala, in April 1998, the compensation amounted to about Rs 3 crore and a new case for interest was filed. Due to the efforts of Shri Laxmikant ji, its payment was received in September 2001, after paying the purchased land and paying the pending payments for years, a fixed deposit of Rs. 2 crore has been made in various banks. Interest is coming monthly from IFSC and quarterly from other banks.

  For the new building, 3 acres of land has been purchased on Parikrama Marg for about Rs 15 lakh, this land has been registered and the construction of three storey building has started. List page of people whose donations have come for building construction